By Dave Herwitz, Director of Admissions, ABC Training Center

This month’s job tip illustrates the importance of researching any potential employers BEFORE the interview.

OK so you’ve done your due diligence and have sent out dozens of resumes.  Your persistence has paid off because you’ve finally received a call back.  Congratulations, you have an interview lined up for next week.  Now what?  You rest up and go into the interview and hope for the best.  Right?…Wrong!  Your interview starts the second you schedule it.  What do I mean by that?  In a word: research.  Simply put, you should – no, you MUST research your prospective employer.  The old saying that “information is power” couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to prepping for a job interview.  And in this day and age, where information about anything is literally at our fingertips, there is no reason why anyone should go into an interview cold.  Better information gives you better insight into the environment of the facility.  Better information also leads to better question on your part, giving you an edge over others.

So what kind of information should you be looking for?  First there’s the easy stuff like the history of the facility, types of services offered, etc.  Then try to dig a little deeper.  Try to get a feel for who the administrators are.  What are their backgrounds?  Their education?  You may be surprised to find out that many have started out just like you.  Then try to get third-party perspectives on the facility.  Are there any reviews online?  How about Department of Health violations?  All good info to arm yourself with.

Being prepared for an interview with all of this kind of information will undoubtedly set you apart from other candidates.  Believe me.  You can never be too prepared for an interview.  So do your homework before the big day.  You’ll be glad you did.

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