By Carlton Fenton, Job Placement Coordinator, ABC Training Center

Our January job tip speaks to the importance of working your networks and connections within the organizations that you wish to work for.

If you follow the advice of career experts, you know to “dig the well before you’re thirsty.”  In other words, prepare for your next job search by continually building and strengthening the relationships within your professional network.  Asking your network for job leads is not a best practice of professional networking.  Instead you should find and assess jobs that you are a match for and then locate advocates to help you connect the dots.  It works like this: once you’ve identified a position you’re interested in and for which you are a solid match, identify your advocates before submitting your value proposition cover letter and targeted resume).  The number one best source is people that are currently working at the facility (H.R. professionals, your peers, recruiters that work with the facility or hospital).

Since every corporation has its own culture and processes, business intelligence is the most effective way to navigate the system of gatekeepers.  Accurate information is invaluable.  There are lots of stories about qualified candidates who were great matches for positions.  But these candidates missed out on opportunities because they didn’t present their skills in the proper manner for the target company.  You need to speak their language.  After all, isn’t that what a targeted resume is all about?  Once you’ve identified advocates for a position, you’ll be armed with the information and support system that allows you to manage the hiring process for maximum effect.

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