It’s a New Year to Pursue a New Career in Medicine

by | Medical Career Jobs

Is one of your new year’s resolutions to move into a new career field? The healthcare industry is a great area of the labor market to focus on! You can quickly start your medical training program in NYC today without the need to go back to school full-time. There are many fantastic reasons to make a new start in this exciting field full of opportunity; we’ll review a few right here.

Enjoy Taking Care of People?

There’s no better time to start your medical career than now if you love caring for others. Most jobs in the healthcare industry revolve around taking care of patients. It’s the perfect way for compassionate people to make a living.

Empathy is an essential trait to have when taking care of the sick and injured. If you’re an empathetic person, this position might be for you. Taking care of your patient’s emotional health is just as important as improving their physical health.

You’re a People Person

The healthcare industry revolves entirely around people. It’s one of the most socially active workplaces, which means social butterflies will fit right in. Caring for your patients is just a portion of the time you’ll spend interacting with others.

A strong sense of community and teamwork is essential to success in medicine. No one can do every task on their own in this field, so you’ll need to work well with others to get through the day. The medical industry is an excellent choice for people who love to work collaboratively on group-oriented goals.

Great Exercise

Chances are, if you’re planning on getting into the medical field, you’re going to be getting a lot more exercise. Many healthcare jobs require you to be on your feet most of the day, if not all of it.

For people who are already active, this is a boon, but, if you aren’t particularly active, it isn’t necessarily a negative. You may not need to visit the gym after you get a job in medicine, depending on your placement. You can incorporate more movement into your day much more easily with a job in the medical field!


As with any industry, you’ll need to expand your contact list to find the opportunities you need to succeed. Changing your focus to healthcare is a great way to get to know more people. Make contacts through LinkedIn and other online networking sites to look for open doors, and join healthcare professional fellowships and groups to expand your career. You can also meet professionals in your field by attending seminars and other industry meetups.

Job Security and Diversity

career training programs in NYC

One of the best perks of the medical industry is the fact that healthcare enjoys relative job stability in most areas of the United States. The healthcare sector is expected to grow substantially over the next decade. Medical assistants are ranked as the fourth best job available, and the growth is expected to increase by 30 percent. Pharmacy technicians have a similar growth projection.

If you’re more comfortable in front of a computer, then there are plenty of medical billing and coding positions available. There’s a career for everyone in the healthcare industry, and they’re all future-proof.

Learning a new skill set is easier than you may think it is, especially when it comes to medicine. If you’re looking forward to a change of pace by jumping into the medical industry, ABC Training Center wants to help. We offer affordable career training programs in NYC to help you discover your new healthcare path in as little time as possible.